Some responses to the stupid SPDC excuses_

Some responses to the stupid SPDC excuses_

Japanese newsman to blame for his own death: Myanmar paper

Category: General

Posted by: Raja Petra

MYANMAR’S state-controlled media said yesterday that the Japanese journalist killed during a crackdown on recent protests was to blame for his own death because he put himself in harm’s way.  . . .


budakindia wrote:

sounds like a standard . . . .response to me! Hmmmm are we becoming like the junta or is it the other way around? Hmmm! No matter who he is, he should be treated the a human being not some animals that can be shot down in the streets. That goes the same for the  . . .  government too with their draconian laws like ISA, OSA, emergency ordinance! And please don’t scare us with the 1969 story anymore. We are not kids you know! Even a year one will laugh at you!

15/10 11:17:18

Fist of Asia wrote:

sounds like what the  . . . government would say if the same shit happened here..oh yeah!!!!!
altantuya case.. judge says to the mongolian woman who brought up the fact that their entry records were deleted, “Why are you complaining? You still managed to go home right?”

15/10 11:56:56

Kaboda wrote:

I agree the response is so stupid it could compare with something that came out of our government’s mouth.

15/10 13:43:21

wiltda13 wrote:

yea yeah. blame the dead. the dead cannot speak to defend himself. Let the ghost of him and thousand killed recently coming back and haunts the junta for their sin against the states and the citizens.

15/10 20:44:30

LegallyBotak wrote:

Please note:

“Ambassadors from most of the foreign embassies were among about 1,000 people who attended the funeral.” (Note. Of ex PM, butcher of Depayin)

What a bunch of hypocrites. I rest my case.

16/10 00:35:16

whodhellknew wrote:

Of course, he wouldn’t have been in harm’s way if the Burmese military did not unleash harm upon an unarmed group of people voicing out their opinions about a government that’s supposed to have their welfare in mind.


16/10 07:01:33

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