REUTERS:China approves ‘modern redesign’ of Tibetan capital

BEIJING, March 17 — China has approved a “modern redesign” of Tibet’s remote and mountainous capital Lhasa, state media said today, including a limit on its downtown population.

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Monks taken for ‘re-education’ before Tibet uprising anniversary

Police will take away more than 100 monks for political re-education today on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising that led to the flight of the Dalai Lama.

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50 Years after revolt, clampdown on Tibetans

MAQU, China, March 5 – Enraged nomads rampaged through this windswept town on the Tibetan plateau a year ago this month, storming a Chinese police compound, setting fire to squad cars and forcing police officers to flee.

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Pop politics at its best

Manjit Bhatia

Aug 25,08

from Malayisakini

From my hotel room window, China’s new national Olympics stadium is shrouded in a thick, gray mist. Visibility is approaching near hopelessness. Mr Magoo would’ve had no chance. Only it isn’t mist.


It’s smog. Pollution. The air outside, from which I had just escaped for the sanctuary of my hotel room, is thicker. The humidity is staggering. In the last few days more and more Beijingers began to wear facemasks, but many more braved the ‘mist’.

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Re-strategising democracy promotion in China

James Gomez | Aug 19, 08 11:27am


The different China-related democracy issues need to be integrated through a broad overarching theme and coordinated from closer in Asia. This was the latent international strategy that emerged from the 3rd International Conference on Global Support for Democratisation in China and Asia (GSDCA) which was held on Aug 4 and 5, 2008 in Japan.

The GSDCA brought together some 100 China pro-democracy activists from across the world, literally on the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, for a two day meeting in Tokyo. The conference, the third in a series, hosted participants from Asian autocratic nations, as well as dignitaries, experts, and scholars from all over the globe, including Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific.

Internationalised China-related democracy issues

Presently internationalised China-related democracy issues are a range of disparate elements that fall into three broad categories. The first address issues of territorial sovereignty, autonomy and self-determination. They include chief-executive elections in Hong Kong, autonomy for Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang (Eastern Turkestan), self-government for Tibet and independence for Taiwan.

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Talking With the Dalai Lama

by Lingxi Kong

Posted July 30, 2008 


Ten students are gathered round a table in a seminar room at Columbia University discussing whether greeting scarves should be presented with one hand or two. Six of the students in the group, including me, are Chinese. We are getting a crash course in basic Tibetan etiquette from four Tibetan students because the next day all of us are going to meet privately with the Dalai Lama at a hotel in New York.

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Tibet, Human Rights and the Beijing Olympics

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

By Richard Baum

When the 2008 Summer Olympics were awarded to Beijing in July 2001, expectations were high that China’s desire to showcase the Beijing Games, amplified by the bright light of international scrutiny, would push the country toward political liberalization, media freedom and respect for human rights. Yet the government’s overriding short-term concern with maintaining social order and political stability during the August Olympics has resulted in a visible tightening of state media controls and Internet censorship, and stepped-up harassment of human-rights activists.

In recent months Beijing police have detained dozens, if not hundreds, of protesters, petitioners and whistle-blowers, and the Asian giant’s treatment of Tibet has become front-page news across the world. Expected to help open China up, the Olympics have paradoxically served to close China down further.

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FREE TIBET: Boycott Olympic Games in Beijing 2008

Tibet The Story Of A Tragedy

Part 2 – Olympic Games China Burma Tibet Darfur…in Chains

Part 2 – Olympic Games China Burma Tibet Darfur…in Chains

Olympic Games China Burma Tibet Darfur…in Chains. Video Part 1 –

Olympic Games China Burma Tibet Darfur…in Chains. Video Part 1

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Letter to Hu Jintao

Mr. President

Let me take you on a mental journey, if you dare.

Instead of being a member of the ruling, and by numbers, the overwhelmingly largest and domineering creed, imagine now that you are a member of a society, race and country that is uniquely distinct and different from all the surrounding peoples and countries, and which is just a small minority, overwhelmed by your own creed.

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Tibet like Burma

Tibet like Burma: the same abuse of power, the same suppression of human, civil and religious rights. In Tibet as well as in Burma mass protests have been led by Buddhist monks melting the religious and political parts of the society asking for a different regime. Records of 1988 demonstrations in Tibet show violence everywhere, beating ups, blood, police beating monks savagely and dragging them from their monasteries.

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As Olympics Approach, Oppressive Grip Tightens


By Ally Wang, Mimi Li, and Shaoshao Chen

Jul 09,2008

NEW YORK—In less than 30 days, Beijing will kick off its opening ceremonies for the 2008 Olympics. While China prepares for its appearance on the world’s center stage, the Tibetans, Uighurs, Falun Gong practitioners, and political dissidents of China will undoubtedly suffer 30 days of persecution and oppression.

These groups who are denied rights by the Chinese regime cannot have their voices heard in China. But here in America, where freedom of speech is not muffled, protests and calls for human rights have strengthened recently as the start of Beijing ’08 draws closer.

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