Freedom and justice: Ending the trials of Human Rights Activist and tortured maid

   Freedom and justice: Ending the trials of

Human Rights Activist and tortured maid 

   Freedom and justice: Ending the trials of Irene Fernandez and Nirmala Bonat 

The Malaysian Insider


DEC 2 — It has been a week of celebration for migrant and refugee rights advocates in Southeast Asia. We have witnessed two significant acts of justice through the Malaysian judicial system that have resulted in the freedom of Irene Fernandez and the protection of Nirmala Bonat, two courageous women who have battled long for justice.

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The SPDC Air Force (1948-1999)


Shortly after the Burman Union became independent, on 4 January 1948 – parallel to India and Pakistan – a civil war between the communists and the conservative government broke out in the country. This conflict could not even properly develop when in August of the same year also the powerful Karen tribe revolted against the federal government, initiating another civil war that was to last for the following 50 years. Finally, only a year later also the civil war in China reached its high point, with a large number of Chinese nationalists fleeing over the border into Burma. As if all of this would not be sufficient, the Americans started to mix in the situation and the CIA started to organize both, an anti-Communist opposition in Burma and the Chinese Nationalists. With the help of the American secret service from former members of the nationalist Kuomintang Party (KMT) the National Salvation Army (NSA) was created and became active in the north of the Burmese Union. The units of the NSA were regularly supplied a fleet of un-marked C-46 transports belonging to the CIA front companies, foremost the “Civil Air Transport” (CAT) operating from Formosa and Thailand.

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Irrawaddy:Junta Orders Major Air Force Base Relocated


The chief Air Force base in Burma, Mingalardon Air Force Base, has been ordered to relocate to Seikpyingone in Meiktila Township in central Burma, according to sources at Mingalardon Air Force Base. 

“We got the order in late November to relocate to the new Air Force base from the military office in Naypyidaw,” said the source.
The source said that family members of Air Force personal will also resided at the new Air Force base in Seikpyingone.

Military sources in Rangoon said that in June the junta leader, Snr-Gen Than Shwe, appointed his son-in-law, Col Thein Naing, the commanding officer at Mingaladon Air Force Base.

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